万年筆インク/ Ink

STYLE OF LABオリジナル万年筆インク ‘#24 ‘ 新発売/ STYLE OF LAB Original Fountain Pen Ink ‘#24’ Now Available

STYLE OF LABから初のオリジナル万年筆インク '#24' が9月28日(土)に新発売されます。

’#24'のインク色は、STYLE OF LAB のフィロソフィーである「色の三原色」からインスピレーションを得た色を現しています。

<STYLE OF LABのフィロソフィーと万年筆インク #24 のインク色>
◆ マゼンダ=「情熱」
◆ イエロー=「挑戦」
◆ シアン=「洗練」

<フレグランス ’#24’ の香り>
'#24' は、STYLE OF LABのシグネチャープレグランスです。'#24' の香りは、当店のフィロソフィー「情熱」、「挑戦」、「洗練」をイメージした3つの香りのの要素を含んでいます。その三つの要素を構成するアロマ、ライム、リナロベリー、コーラルジャスミン、アニスシード、フランキンセンスなどの植物をボトルラベルのデザインモチーフにしています。


※ STYLE OF LABオリジナル万年筆 ’#24' も近日発売予定です。

<STYLE OF LABオリジナル 万年筆インク'#24' >
◆ 万年筆ボトルインク(20ml) ¥1,870(税込)

STYLE OF LABオンラインショップ:
STYLE OF LAB店舗:東京都渋谷区恵比寿西一丁目29-9  営業時間11:00 - 19:00 (毎週火曜日定休)

万年筆インク #24 のご購入予約(9月27日まで)を頂いたお客様には、もれなくSTYLE OF LABオリジナルフレグランス #24 のアロマソルトサシェをプレゼントいたします。
/STYLE OF LAB will release its first original fountain pen ink, '#24', on Saturday, September 28th. Pre-orders will begin on Wednesday, September 11th, ahead of the release.

The color of '#24' ink is inspired by the philosophy of STYLE OF LAB, which is based on the "three primary colors."

STYLE OF LAB's Philosophy and the Ink Color of Fountain Pen Ink #24:

Magenta = "Passion"
Yellow = "Challenge"
Cyan = "Sophistication"
A blend of yellow and the deep blue reminiscent of the ocean brings forth a green hue, and finally, a bordeaux wine-like red emerges from within the deep blue.

Fragrance of '#24': '#24' is the signature fragrance of STYLE OF LAB. The scent contains three elements that reflect the philosophy of our store: "Passion," "Challenge," and "Sophistication." The aroma consists of ingredients such as lime, linanoberry, coral jasmine, anise seed, and frankincense, which are also used as design motifs on the bottle label.

When you feel the need to embrace new possibilities, take up a fountain pen and enjoy the time spent writing or drawing, surrounded by the room fragrance '#24' that inspires your spirit. Enjoy this moment with both the ink and the fragrance.

STYLE OF LAB Original Fountain Pen Ink '#24':

Fountain Pen Ink Bottle (20ml) ¥1,870 (tax included)
Release Date: Saturday, September 28th
Pre-orders start: Wednesday, September 11th
Pre-orders are available through our online shop and at our physical store (phone reservations are not accepted).

STYLE OF LAB Online Shop:
STYLE OF LAB Store: 1-29-9 Ebisu Nishi, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
Store Hours: 11:00 AM - 7:00 PM (Closed every Tuesday)
You can try out the '#24' ink at our store.

Reservation Bonus:
Customers who pre-order Fountain Pen Ink #24 by September 27th will receive a complimentary STYLE OF LAB Original Fragrance #24 Aroma Salt Sachet.

¥1,870 (tax-in)

STYLE OF LABオリジナル万年筆インク #24
色の三原色を体現できるインク色/Ink Colors That Embody the Three Primary Colors
書かれる紙やインクの濃さで色々な発色が楽しめます。手前が「Tomoe River」奥2枚が「エクセルケント」です/ You can enjoy various shades depending on the type of paper and the ink’s density. The front sheet is “Tomoe River,” while the two in the back are “Excel Kent.”
ご予約特典:STYLE OF LABオリジナルフレグランス #24のアロマソルトサシェをご購入予約(9月27日まで)の方にもれなくプレゼントします/ Pre-Order Bonus: As a special gift, we will present a STYLE OF LAB original fragrance #24 aroma salt sachet to those who pre-order by September 27th.